Monday, May 14, 2007

Sorry it's been so long since the last update but I'm afraid there is some sort of drought of new pictures lately. In fact, this isn't even a new picture (as evidenced by Jack Marin's presence with Sh**nt,) but it is a good example of a trend I hate, as far as streetwear goes. Meaning: the whole wacky, hideous print thing. When did it become cool to look like you got attacked by a six year old with a potato stamp and some fabric paint? I'm just picturing Pharrell or whoever, after his kid brother or nephew got lose in his closet, thinking "Yes, this will do."

Intellectually, I know it's a status thing like limited edition Dunks or logo clothing or the it bag for the season. You see a particular print and know that that shirt cost homeboy $300. I just think it's bullshit. Style has nothing to do with cost. That's why rich people have no sense of style. They think they can dress head to toe in trendy, expensive clothing and automatically it means they've got taste, but it doesn't, it just means they've got money.

Anyway, I also wanted to post this picture because Jack Marin looks like my aunt Carol. I am so glad he's no longer a member of Cute Is What We Aim For (by the way, losing the only semi-attractive member of your band is not such a good way of achieving said aim) because now I can stop kind of sort of not really caring about such a goddamn awful band. Also, and I know this is a cheap shot, but do you think it would be possible for Sh**nt to part his hair further to the side? Like, say, at his jaw? Because then maybe his face would entirely be covered and I wouldn't have to see it anymore.


Sabrina said...

i actually like jack's t-shirt. am i weird> o.o
and i just wanted to say i got all my dance moves from shaant. from that video, i dont't remember what it's called. haha

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha oh man this is one of the best posts.

however, jack marin is really. really. attractive.

. said...

They might have been aiming for cute, but they missed pretty badly.

xx said...

Jack actually sold that shirt on Ebay a few days ago and someone paid like $70 for it.

I like some of the prints, I have one of the Tokidoki for LeSportsac bags and it has a cute little pirate themed print on it, so as long as the print is cute and looks good on the accessory or shirt, I'm cool with it. But that BAPE shit is so ugly (Jack's shirt included).

And they lost so many fans because Jack left.

Brianna Zani said...
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Brianna Zani said...

that shit is visually offensive.

besides, the klaxons wear it.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww Jack.

Also, I hate the prints as well. They're just so...unattractive.

Keisha said...

lol yeah, you really have to blame Pharrell. he had been wearing that shit for YEARS before the ~*scene*~ got a hold of it.

Anonymous said...

mmmm... Prints ain't nice.
Jacks shirt looks like the shirt my 4 year old cousin wears with firetrucks and policeman on it.
Cute on a kid, but Jack, you are how old now?

Kyle said...

Hi guys, it's your e-friend extraordinaire kyle here. I put this in my google reader so I'll never ever ever ever miss a post that you lovely ladies make!

turquoise_tear said...

i kinda like those kind of prints. but i've got a feeling it won't take long for me to get over them.

anyways, Jack pulls them off perfectly in this pic^^

Anonymous said...

update! soon! please!

Keisha said...

you guys need to update :(

Anonymous said...

you guys have to post something!!
it's been almost a month since your last update!!