Monday, June 11, 2007

I don't know what the fuck is going on here. I don't know what's more perplexing, Ryan Ross' steadfast dedication to the Titanic haircut or Perez Hilton's ruddy complexion. Why is he so red? Is he drunk? Maybe he's excited to be so close to Ryan. Maybe he thinks Ryan is actually Leonardo DiCaprio.
I can't even make a mean comment about Ryan's Oliver outfit, Perez is just too confusing to look at.


. said...

Everything about this photo is pretty frightening.

Anonymous said...

ryan looks cute

but why is he with perez hilton???

Gabbi said...
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Gabbi said...

Perez is ROSE (get it?) red.

I am so hilarious.

Anonymous said...

please god.

Anonymous said...

This makes me laugh. Rather hard. Not so much the picture as the commentary that goes with it.

xx said...

You should post the pictures that just went up on patd (the lovely LJ community), Ryan is wearing a marching band jacket.

At least he looks better with that hair than Leonardo Dicaprio did.