Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Oh hey there guys. Miss me? I bet you did, if any of the angry emails I got are to be believed!

Anyway, Panic! at the Disco is back and sadly did not take any of my advice in regards to styling. Instead I guess they want to be the Beatles? At least that's what Brendon's bowl cut would indicate. And is that a plaid pantsuit, Ryan Ross? I am a little bit bemused by the 70s baby mullet.
You look like Mary from Peter, Paul and Mary.

And while Ryan Ross finally turned Jon Walker into a badly dresses idiot, he is still the only member of Panic! at the Disco that any girl above 14 would fuck, which means he still wins.

Meanwhile, Spencer still looks like a pedophile cult leader. I guess some things truly never change.

Also: Why do their respective palettes not coordinate. These people have GOT to stop styling themselves.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ahah this is the best blog ever.

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Anonymous said...

no, i'm well above 14 and i would not fuck jon. but brendon all the way anytime, anywhere baby! and somewhere a part of you all agrees